That Portland Life

How to Sell and Buy at the Same Time

Many people need to sell their existing home before they are able to buy the one they want next, but how is it done?? I’ll run you through three ways we can make this happen (without you having to move twice) in the video below.

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No time for the full video? No problem. Read on below!

1 – Write a Contingent Offer

If you find your dream home before your home sells, we can write a contingent offer on it. This means that your offer is contingent upon the sale of your existing home. However, contingent offers aren’t as strong as non-contingent offers, so if we are competing, the likelihood of the contingent offer being accepted is much less.

2 – Ask for Rentback

If you want to accept an offer and then find your perfect house, you can ask the potential buyers of your home for rentback. In this situation, you continue through the sale and then the new owners ‘rent it back’ to you for a specified period of time. This frees up your finances and gives you some extra time to find that perfect spot.

3 – ‘Subject to Finding a Suitable Property’

In this method, we would accept an offer with a contract clause that states that the offer is being accepted only if/when you find your new home. This one gives you as the seller the most flexibility, but is the most daunting option for the buyer, as they have no guarantee of your motivation to find something new.

As always, if you would like to chat about any of these options in more detail, we would be happy to sit down with you!

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